细胞生物学(厦门大学) 中国大学mooc慕课答案2024版 m91829

Introduction of Molecular cell biology Cell theory-test

1、 What did Leeuwenhoek do?

答案: Used simple light microscope and saw microorganisms

2、 He discovered that all animals were made of cells, which contributed to the development of the cell theory:

答案: Theodor Schwann

3、 Who was the first person to see cells under the microscope and give them a name?

答案: Robert Hooke

4、 Which of the following is NOT one of the main components of the cell theory?

答案: cells must contain DNA

Culturing and visualizing cells Culturing and visualizing cells-test

1、  The most direct source of monoclonal antibodies are __ cells.

答案: Hybridoma

2、 The fluorescent properties of dyes such as FITC can provide information on the

答案: location of specific proteins.

3、 What factors necessary for growth of animal cells in culture are provided by serum?

答案: growth factors 

4、 What is the advantage of using GFP-tag to visualize specific proteins, instead of staining cells with fluorescent dyes that bind to the target protein?

答案: GFP fusions enable one to track changes in the location of the protein in living cells; staining usually requires fixed cells

5、 Which one cleaves pre-miRNA in the cytoplasm to produce miRNA?

答案: Dicer

6、 A single monoclonal antibody can bind to several different sites on an antigen

答案: 错误

7、 RNAi can be mediated just by introducing the already processed miRNA/siRNA into cells

答案: 正确

8、 _______  degrades mRNAs with sequences complementary to a bound siRNA
答案: RISC

Biomembrane Structure Biomembrane Structure-test

1、 All the following statements describe biomembranes except:

答案:  Some biomembranes have free edges.

2、  The major site of lipid synthesis in eukaryotic cells is the

答案: Endoplasmic reticulum

3、 Phospholipids with short or unsaturated fatty acyl chains

答案: increase membrane fluidity.

4、  The _ are transmembrane proteins.

答案: integral membrane proteins

5、 Glycolipids and glycoproteins are especially abundant in the

答案: plasma membrane

6、 Phosphate containing lipids include all of the following except 

答案: triglyceride

7、 A lipid bilayer is the fundamental structural component of all cell membranes.

答案: 正确

8、 Maintenance of the lipid bilayer in the plasma membrane requires special enzymes and the hydrolysis of ATP.

答案: 错误

9、 The most abundant lipids in cell membranes are ____.
答案: phospholipids

10、 Sugar-containing lipids called ______ are found only in the outer half of the bilayer and their sugar groups are exposed ac the cell surface.
答案: glycolipids

Transmembrane transport of Ions and small molecules

1、 Classes of membrane transport proteins include all of the following except

答案: protein translocons.

2、 The glucose uniporter GLUT1 has a Km of 1.5 mM for D-glucose and 30 mM for D-galactose.  At a concentration of 5 mM for each, what is the rate of glucose transport relative to galactose transport?  The Vmax may be assumed to be the same for both.

答案: 5.5-fold faster

3、 How does uniport transport compare to simple diffusion?

答案: Uniport transport is much faster and more specific than simple diffusion.

4、 Which of the four classes of ATP-powered pumps share overall similarity: several subunits, the same general organization, and a similar function in being H+ transporters?

答案: F-class pumps and V-class pumps

5、 How does inhibition of the Na+/K+ ATPase increase the force of heart muscle contraction?

答案: It increases cytosolic Na+ and therefore decreases Ca2+ export

6、 Channel proteins (such as the voltage-gated Na channel) transport ions much faster than carrier proteins (such as the Na-K pump), but they cannot be coupled to an energy source; therefore, transport mediated by channels is always passive.

答案: 正确

7、 The resting membrane potential of a typical animal cell arises predominantly through the action of the Na-K pump, which in each cycle transfers 3 Na ions out of the cell and 2 K into the cell, leaving an excess of negative charges inside the cell.

答案: 错误

8、  The concentration gradient for a charged solute and the membrane potential constitute the _______ gradient for that solute.
答案: electrochemical

9、 Over expression of the ____ in human cancer cells can make these cells simultaneously resistant to a variety of chemically unrelated cytotoxic drugs that we widely used in cancer chemotherapy.
答案: Multidrug-resistance transport protein

10、 In the epithelial cells of the gut Na+-linked symporters in the apical (absorptive) domain of the plasma membrane and Na+-independent transport proteins in the basolateral domain bring about the _______ of absorbed solutes.
答案: Transcellular transport

Cellular Energetics

1、 Where does glycolysis takes place?

答案: Cytosol

2、 Where is the electron transport chain found in plant cells?

答案: Thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts

3、 Energy released by the electron transport chain is used to pump H+ ions into which location?

答案: Mitochondrial intermembrane space

4、 Inside an active mitochondrion, most electrons follow which pathway?

答案: Citric acid cycle –> NADH –> electron transport chain –> oxygen

5、 Which do the catabolic products of fatty acid breakdown enter into the citric acid cycle?

答案: Acetyl CoA

6、 Brown-fat mitochondria uncouple oxidative phosphorylation to produce____

答案: Heat

7、 During ATP synthesis, protons move “down” their electrochemical gradient through  the F0 complex of ATP synthase

答案: 正确

8、 The outer mitochondrial membrane is derived from the bacterial plasma membrane

答案: 错误

9、 ____ is a lipid soluble molecule that acts to shuttle electrons within the mitochondrial inner membrane
答案: CoQ
分析:Coenzyme Q

10、 The energy released by the passage of electrons along the respiratory chain is stored as an_____ across the inner mitochondrial membrane.
答案: proton motive force
分析:electrochemical gradient

Moving Proteins into Membranes and Organelles

1、 Type I membrane proteins have all of the following properties except

答案: internal signal-anchor sequence

2、  Many peroxisomal matrix proteins are imported as

答案: folded proteins

3、 GPI-anchoring serves a special function, especially in polarized epithelial cells because this modification serves to target proteins to the

答案: Plasma membrane

4、 Glycosylation, a post-translational modification to proteins, occurs in the

答案: ER

5、  Protein sequences for targeting to mitochondria is located at

答案: the N-terminus of the precursor protein.

6、 Mitochondrial signal peptides are amphipathic α helical structures with positively charged amino acid one side and negatively charged amino on the other side.

答案: 错误

7、 In mammalian cells the import of proteins into the ER begins before the polypeptide chain is completely synthesized-that is ,it occurs co-translationally.

答案: 正确

8、 The fate of proteins synthesized in the cytosol depends on their amino acid sequence, which can contain _____ that direct their delivery to locations outside the cytosol.
答案: signal

9、 The _____at which the inner and outer mitochondrial membranes appear to be joined are thought to be the sites at which import into the matrix occurs.
答案: contact site

10、 The signal peptide is guided to the membrane of the ER by at least two components:a ___ ,which binds to the signal peptide in the cytosol, and the _______,which is located in the ER membrane . 
答案: SRP





Vesicular traffic,secretion and endocytosis Vesicular traffic,secretion and endocytosis

1、 Vesicle budding recruits proteins that are needed for subsequent 

答案: selective vesicle targeting and fusion

2、 The presence of clathrin mediates vesicular transport

答案: trans-Golgi to endosome.

3、 Which of the following small GTPases are not involved in vesicle budding or docking?

答案: Ras

4、 The LDL receptor is a receptor for

答案: apolipoprotein B

5、 COPI coat proteins mediate           transport between the Golgi apparatus and other organelles.

答案: retrograde

6、 Clathrin-coated vesicles are all alike.

答案: 错误

7、 Lysosomal hydrolases are marked for delivery to lysosomes by having mannose-6-phosphate (M6P) groups added to their N-linked oligosaccharides in the lumen of the Golgi.

答案: 正确

8、 Phagosomes must fuse with lysosomes to digest imported materials.

答案: 正确

9、 The __ is a major site of carbohydrate synthesis as well as a sorting and dispatching station for the products of the ER.
答案: Golgi complex

10、 Most cholesterol is transported in the blood bound to protein in the form of particles known as ____.
答案: LDL

Signal transduction and G protein-coupled receptors Signal transduction

1、 Which of the following general statement(s) about a G protein–coupled receptor is (are) true?

答案: It is organized with the C-terminus on the cytoplasmic face of the membrane.

2、 1,2-diacylglycerol (DAG) and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) are cleaved from phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) by the enzyme:

答案: phospholipase C

3、 Which of the following is a common step in the opening/closing of ion channels by acetylcholine and rhodopsin binding to their receptors?

答案: The Ga·GTP subunit dissociates from the Gbg complex.

4、 Which of the following mechanisms can terminate the intracellular signaling pathway once the concentration of the external signal decreases?

答案: all of the above

5、 Which of the following does not exist?

答案: Phospholipase Ca

6、 Inositol triphosphate-gated calcium channels are located in

答案: the smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Cell organization and movement I: Microfilaments Cell organization and movement I: Microfilament

1、 Within an actin filament, each actin subunit is surrounded by _ neighboring actin subunits

答案: c. four

2、 During treadmilling, actin subunits ad

答案: a. predominantly to filament (+) ends.

3、  Listeria is a bacteria parasite that has evolved unique ways to enter animal cells and then use actin polymerization for its intracellular movement.  Which of the following statements is true in regards to Listeria and actin polymerization?

答案: b. Listeria ActA binds VASP, which enhances ATP-actin assembly.

4、  Which of the following properties is not shared by all myosins?

答案: b. the ability to form dimers

5、 What is the function of CapZ and tropomodulin in the sacromere?

答案: c. to maintain a constant actin thin filament length

6、 Gelsolin is activatikred by

答案: c. Ca2+-binding.

7、 13. Which region of myosin interacts with actin filaments?

答案: a. the head domain

8、 Which of the following proteins is involved in formation of actin bundles in microvilli by providing crosslinks between actin filaments

答案: c. fimbrin

Signaling pathways that control gene activity Signaling pathways that control gene activity

1、 Binding of hormone to a receptor tyrosine kinase causes all of the following except

答案: hydrolysis of GTP bound to Ras.

2、 Ras is a(n)

答案: none of the above

3、  Serum response factor (SRF) is phosphorylated by

答案: p90RSK.

4、 By what mechanism does PI-3 phosphate promote activation of protein kinase B (PKB)?

答案: all of the above

5、  Which of the following are enzyme pairs that catalyze opposite reactions?

答案: PI-3 kinase and PTEN phosphatase

6、 Latent TGFb is converted to mature TGFb by

答案: proteolysis.

7、 Which of the following receptors binds TGFb?

答案: types II and III

8、  Which of the following is a protein kinase?

答案: EGF receptor

9、 NF-kB signaling is important in

答案: inflammation.

10、  In the NF-kB signaling pathway, which of the following molecules is downstream of I-kB kinase?

答案: NF-kB

Cell organization and movement II: Microtubules and intermediate filament Cell organization and move

1、 A microtubule protofilament is formed by the

答案: head-to-tail association of tubulin dimers.

2、  Growing microtubule ends are normally stabilized by  

答案: a GTP cap.

3、 All of the following statements describe Kinesin I except

答案: Kinesin I is a (−) end-directed motor.

4、 The force for axoneme bending is derived from the

答案: sliding movement of outer doublet microtubules.

5、 Which of the following are characteristics common to all three cytoskeletal systems (microfilaments, microtubules and intermediate filaments)?

答案: are reorganized during mitosis.

6、  Poleward movement of chromosomes during anaphase A require

答案: kinetochore motor proteins.

7、 MAP2 and Tau are examples of microtubule stabilizing proteins.

答案: 正确

8、 Both colchicine and taxol act to block microtubule assembly, therefore they can arrest cells at metaphase at low dosage.

答案: 错误

9、 Other microtubule plus-end tracking proteins may use EB1 to “hitchhike” onto the growing microtubule.

答案: 正确

10、 In the mitotic spindle, astral microtubules function to allow the spindle to interact with the plasma membrane.

答案: 正确

11、 During anaphase A, kinetochores remain attached to shortening kinetochore microtubules.

答案: 正确

Nucleus, chromatin and chromosomes Nucleus, chromatin and chromosomes 单元测验

1、 Chromatin in which of the following states is the most euchromatic?

答案: in a transcribed gene during G1 phase 

2、 The nuclear pore complex allows for

答案: all of the above.

3、 During the import of proteins into the nucleus, the a importin subunit binds directly to 

答案: basic nuclear localization signals in cargo proteins.  

4、 Which type of RNA participates in nuclear export of mRNA? 

答案: hnRNA.

5、 Which of the following is present in the nuclear export sequence of PKI (an inhibitor of protein kinase A)? 

答案: a leucine-rich sequence.

6、 All the following statements are true about a nucleosome except: 

答案: It is the “string” of the “beads-on-a-string” appearance. 

7、 DNA that is transcriptionally active  

答案: is more susceptible to DNase I digestion. 

8、 Which of the following statement(s) is (are) true of a eukaryotic chromosome? 

答案: all of the above. 

9、 In mammals, X-chromosome inactivation

答案: is considered an epigenetic event.  

10、 The karyotype for any particular species is characterized by 

答案: all of the above. 

11、 Chromosome painting involves 

答案: hybridizing fluorescent probes to chromosomes. 

12、 All the following statements about heterochromatin except: 

答案: It is usually transcriptionally active.  

13、 Which of the following modifications to histone H3 promote gene silencing?

答案: deacetylation;

14、 All of the following can be found in chromatin: 

答案: DNA.;
transcription factors.

15、 In the living cell, chromatin usually adopts the extended “beads-on-astring” form. 

答案: 错误

16、 Deacetylation of histone tails allows nucleosomes to pack together into tighter arrays, which usually reduces gene expression.  

答案: 正确

17、 Eukaryotic kinetochores usually form barrel-shaped structures which can hold microtubules inside.

答案: 错误

The Eukaryotic Cell Cycle The Eukaryotic Cell Cycle单元测验


1、 Two key molecular events during one cell cycle are :

答案: chromosome replication and segregation to daughter cells.

2、 Predict the phenotype of an S. pombe double mutant that is cdc25- wee1-.

答案: Cells are normal in size.

3、 Mitogens are added to the medium of cultured human cells that are synchronized in mitosis. The mitogen is washed way after these cells have passed the restriction point in the cell cycle. These cells will progress through the cell cycle then arrest in which phase?

答案: G0/G1.

4、 For timely mitotic exit, which of the following should be degraded?

答案: Cyclin B.

5、 One of the key reasons why older mothers tend to give birth to babies with trisomies is:

答案: Premature degradation of cohesins during meiosis.

6、 In early embryos of Drosophila and frog, the cell cycle is very short, this is mainly due to:

答案: Almost no G1 and G2 phases.

7、 Which of the following is/are substrates for polyubiquitination by the APC/C?

答案: Mitotic cyclins;

8、 Arrest at a cell cycle checkpoint can occur via which of the following actions?

答案: stabilization of cyclin.;
 inhibition of Cdc25.;
stoichiometric inhibition of CDK.

9、 For timely chromosome segregation at anaphase, which of the following should be degraded?

答案: Cohesins.;

10、 CDK activity is influenced by cyclin activity.

答案: 错误

11、 CDK activity is influenced by protein levels of cyclins.

答案: 正确

12、 Protein levels of CDK catalytic subunits fluctuate during cell cycle.

答案: 错误

13、 One specific CDK can bind various cyclins.

答案: 正确

14、 Mitogens are added to the medium of cultured human cells that are synchronized in mitosis. The mitogen is washed away after these cells have passed the restriction point in the cell cycle. These cells will progress through the cell cycle then arrest in which phase?

答案: G0/G1.

15、 Arrest at a cell cycle checkpoint can occur via which of the following actions?

答案: stabilization of cyclin.;
 inhibition of Cdc25.;
inhibition of CDK.

Integrating cells into tissues Ch20 Test -single answer choice

1、 The functions of the extracellular matrix includea. supporting differentiation.b. inducing morphogenesis.c. binding growth hormones.d. all of the above

答案: d

2、 Desmosomes:a. associate with actin filaments on the cytoplasmic side.b. contain the transmembrane proteins desmoglein and desmocollin.c. inhibit transfer of membrane proteins from the basolateral to the apical domain.d. contain integrins.

答案: b

3、 The major families of cell surface adhesion molecules includea. cadherins and selectins.b. integrins.c. the Ig-superfamily.d. all of the above

答案: d

4、  Vertebrate gap junctions are composed ofa. adherins.b. collagens.c. connexins.d. integrins.

答案: c

5、 Which of the following is the term used to describe a thin, sheet-like meshwork of extracellular matrix components that can be found in epithelial cells?a. basal laminab. basement membranec. gap junctiond. cell wall

答案: a

6、 Which one of the following is not a property of perlecan?a. It contains laminin-like LG domains.b. It is a proteoglycan.c. It is only found in the basal laminae.d. It is a glycoprotein.

答案: c

7、 Basal lamina include all of the following excepta.  type I collagen.b.  type IV collagen.c.  laminin.d.  nidogen.

答案: a

8、 Proteoglycans area. located exclusively at the cell surface.b. glycoproteins that contain glycosaminoglycans. c. highly positively charged.d. located exclusively in the extracellular matri

答案: b

9、 Polymerization of collagen into large collagen fibers occursa. in the endoplasmic reticulum. b. in the Golgi complex. c. extracellularly. d. in secretory vesicles.

答案: c

10、 Which of the following is false regarding the matrix metalloproteases?a. Their activity depends on zinc ions.b. They are responsible for cleaving b-catenin from E-cadherin.c. They are inhibited by TIMPs.d. Some of the members are called gelatinases.

答案: b

Stem cells, cell asymmetry Ch21 Test- single answer Choice


1、 1. Daughter cells that form as a result of asymmetric cell division may differ ina.sizeb.shapec.protein compositond.all of the above

答案: b

2、 In the mouse embryo, pluripotent stem cells are found in thea. inner cell mass.b.trophectodermc. zona pellucidad.blastocoel

答案: a

3、 In the Drosophila ovary, which of the following proteins is responsible for creating and maintaining the niche for germ-line stem cells?a.Hedgehogb.FGFc.Armd.Ptc

答案: a

4、 Which of the following is false regarding the stem cells located in the epithelium lining of the small intestine?a.They express b-cateninb.Lgr5 encodes the R-spondin proteinc.The Lgr5 gene is induced by Wnt signalingd.They are located in pits called crypts

答案: b

5、 Even before the first cell division, the one-cell C. elegans zygote has an asymmetric distribution of:a.Par3 and aPKC in the cortex of the posterior half of the cellb.Par6 in the cortex of the posterior half of the cellc.Par2 in the cortex of the posterior half of the celld. all of the above

答案: c

6、 Which is the correct combination of proteins in polarized cells involved in planar-cell polarity?a.Flamingo-Strabismus on one side and Dishevelled-Frizzled on the otherb.Frizzled-Strabismus on one side and Flamingo-Dishevelled on the otherc.Strabismus-Dishevelled on one side and Flamingo-Frizzled on the otherd.none of the above

答案: b

7、 Which of the following is located in the cell lineage that gives rise to T cells?a. GM-CFCb.myeloid stem cellc. pluripotent hematopoetic stem celld. b and c

答案: c

8、 Dolly, the famous sheep, was cloned using:a.induced pluripotent stem cells.b.homologous recombination.c. somatic cell nuclear transfer.d.Cre recombinase

答案: c

9、 The mating projection or Shmoo in budding yeast cells relies on havinga.Cdc42 recruited and localized to the region near the highest concentration of mating pheromoneb. formin proteins to nucleate the assembly of actin filaments.c.myosin V to move secretory vesicles to the plus (+) end of the microfilaments.d. all of the above 

答案: d

10、  The apical-basolateral polarity of epithelial cells depends on which one of the following?a.the Scribble complex in the apical domain of the cellb. the Crumbs complex in the basal domain of the cellc.the interaction between nectin and and JAM-Ad.all of the above

答案: c

11、 1. Daughter cells that form as a result of asymmetric cell division may differ in
c.protein compositon
d.all of the above

答案: b

In the mouse embryo, pluripotent stem cells are found in the
a. inner cell mass.
c. zona pellucida

答案: a


In the Drosophila ovary, which of the following proteins is responsible for creating and maintaining the niche for germ-line stem cells?

答案: a

14、 Which of the following is false regarding the stem cells located in the epithelium lining of the small intestine?
a.They express b-catenin
b.Lgr5 encodes the R-spondin protein
c.The Lgr5 gene is induced by Wnt signaling
d.They are located in pits called crypts

答案: b

15、 Even before the first cell division, the one-cell C. elegans zygote has an asymmetric distribution of:
a.Par3 and aPKC in the cortex of the posterior half of the cell
b.Par6 in the cortex of the posterior half of the cell
c.Par2 in the cortex of the posterior half of the cell
d. all of the above

答案: c

16、 Which is the correct combination of proteins in polarized cells involved in planar-cell polarity?
a.Flamingo-Strabismus on one side and Dishevelled-Frizzled on the other
b.Frizzled-Strabismus on one side and Flamingo-Dishevelled on the other
c.Strabismus-Dishevelled on one side and Flamingo-Frizzled on the other
d.none of the above

答案: b

Cell senescence and death

1、 Which caspase is involved in NON-canonical inflammasome signaling?

答案: caspase-11

2、 Which protein is the executor of necroptosis?

答案: MLKL

3、 Which one is NOT the morphological characteristics of apoptotic cells?

答案: plasma membrane rupture

4、 Which one is involved in senescent phenotype exacerbation, consisting of inflammatory cytokines, MMP, growth factors etc.?

答案: SASP

5、 Which one is the molecular switch from apoptosis to necroptosis?

答案: RIP3

6、 Which one is the physiological roles of apoptosis during normal development?

答案: to prevent webbed hands and embryonic tails;
to prevent the existence of useless nerve connections;
to function in immune cell selection

7、 Which of the following is NOT true?

答案: Quiescent cells can re-enter the cell cycle while senescent cells can not because senescent cells are metabolically inactive;
Apoptotic cells can be stained positively when subjected to acidic lysosomal SA-β-GAL staining

8、 Which of the following is NOT morphology of senescent cells?

答案: ruptured plasma membrane;
blebbing and formation of bubbles

9、 The activation of which caspase could NOT be considered as marker of  apoptosis?

答案: caspase-1;

10、 Senescent cells only exist in the old.

答案: 错误

11、 Cell death will no doubt lead to the death of the organism.

答案: 错误




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阿布查查 » 细胞生物学(厦门大学) 中国大学mooc慕课答案2024版 m91829