英文学术写作实战(教发课课程包课程) 中国大学mooc慕课答案2024版 m106220

Unit 1: Ethic(学术伦理意识) Unit 1 Test: Ethic

1、 本节视频中介绍了下列哪几种防剽窃工具?

答案: Turnitin;

2、 学术不诚信可能会对以下哪几方面造成影响?

答案: 个人信誉;

3、 在面对别人对自己研究成果的质疑时,哪些是不恰当的做法?

答案: 坚持自己,不理会那些质疑,不解释;

4、 当权威的团队发表最新实验,而自己的团队却无法重复时,应该:

答案: 仔细排查自己的研究,发邮件咨询该团队;

5、 以下哪些行为属于学术不端行为?

答案: 将同一研究结果提交多个出版社机构出版或提交多个出版物发表;

6、 PaperPass论文检测系统分别用红色、橙色和绿色三种颜色代表相似度70%以上、40%-70%与合格三种类型。

答案: 正确

7、 Turnitin和PaperPass系统都是可以免费使用的。

答案: 错误

8、 如果你的论文研究过程和研究结果都很有意义,但论文引言部分和文献综述部分相似比较高,杂志社还是会接受你的论文。

答案: 错误

9、 因为同行评议过程较为漫长,期刊通常会让投稿人自己推荐几名审稿人,而很多人钻了这个空子,出现了大规模的同行评议事件,这说明同行评议这一做法既耗时耗力,还会引起学术造假问题,应该取消。

答案: 错误

10、 利益因素的存在,往往会影响研究者的判断力,无论是有心抑或无意。

答案: 正确

11、 存在利益冲突就意味着利益主体(研究者)犯错了。

答案: 错误

12、 研究者本人单纯因为个人交情而发表使某商业机构受益的文章,或夸大研究成果,这样的情况很正常而且因为不存在利益输送,所以不算什么错误。

答案: 错误

13、 在科研论文写作中利益声明可有可无。

答案: 错误

14、 作者可以将同一篇稿件以不同语言同时向多家期刊投稿。

答案: 错误

15、 我既可以直接引用原始论文中的内容,也可以间接引用二次文献中的引文。

答案: 错误

16、 在学术论文中,凡是引用他人(包括作者自己)已经发表的文献中的观点、数据、材料和研究结果等内容,都要对它们在文中出现的地方给予注明,并在文末列出参考文献。

答案: 正确

17、 整理稿可以将不同时间多次的口语实录自行综合,同一作者不同时间、场合的口头发言无需分别注明出处。

答案: 错误

18、 一稿多投是指同一作者,在法定或约定的禁止再投期间,或者在期限以外获知自己作品将要发表或已经发表,在期刊(包括印刷出版和电子媒体出版)编辑和审稿人不知情的情况下,试图或已经在两种或多种期刊同时或相继发表内容相同或相近的论文。

答案: 正确

19、 引用他人成果占整个作品的三分之二以上,即使引用标注符合规范,也可认定为剽窃。

答案: 正确

20、 张老师从未参与过A课题的研究,他无权要求在A课题的研究论文中署名为通讯作者。

答案: 正确

21、 在学术写作中可以将自己实验中的与期望值不符的实验结果删除,只保留与期望值一致的实验结果。

答案: 错误

22、 科研成果中的引文可以将未查阅过的文献转抄入自己的引文目录或参考文献目录中。

答案: 错误

Unit 2: Audience and Storyline (读者意识和论文故事线) Unit 2 Test: Audience and Storyline

1、 科学故事DNA双螺旋的案例中,下面哪个选项对应“数据-信息-知识-理解”中的“信息”这一层次

答案: 沃森与克里克判断DNA并非以往猜想的三链结构

2、 科学故事DNA双螺旋的案例中,下面哪个选项对应“数据-信息-知识-理解”中的“知识”这一层次

答案: 沃森与克里克提出了DNA双螺旋结构理论

3、 科学故事DNA双螺旋的案例中,下面哪个选项对应“数据-信息-知识-理解”中的“理解”这一层次

答案: DNA双螺旋结构下的遗传信息传递机制和对遗传性的解释

4、 请再次阅读关于前面读过的“naked mole rat”学术短文 The naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber) displays exceptional longevity, with a maximum lifespan exceeding 30 years. This is the longest reported lifespan for a rodent species and is especially striking considering the small body mass of the naked mole rat. In comparison, a similarly sized house mouse has a maximum lifespan of 4 years. In addition to their longevity, naked mole rats show an unusual resistance to cancer. Multi-year observations of large naked mole-rat colonies did not detect a single incidence of cancer. Here we identify a mechanism responsible for the naked mole rat’s cancer resistance. We found that naked mole-rat fibroblasts secrete extremely high-molecular-mass hyaluronan (HA), which is over five times larger than human or mouse HA. This high-molecular-mass HA accumulates abundantly in naked mole-rat tissues owing to the decreased activity of HA-degrading enzymes and a unique sequence of hyaluronan synthase 2 (HAS2). … We speculate that naked mole rats have evolved a higher concentration of HA in the skin to provide skin elasticity needed for life in underground tunnels. This trait may have then been co-opted to provide cancer resistance and longevity to this species. 并从中选出哪句话作者在阐述自己论文贡献的“新的理解”

答案: This trait may have then been co-opted to provide cancer resistance and longevity to this species.

5、 According to the description listed below, choose the right readers. * Read the methods section and anything else that helps them finding a solution; Big knowledge gap; Possibly readers from a different area, looking for a method that can be used in their area;* Looking for clear introduction with many references.

答案: The solution seeker

6、 According to the description listed below, choose the right readers. * Does not need to be provided with any background; Checks if you have cited their paper; May use your references to complete their own;* May even have reviewed your paper.

答案: The competitor

7、 Which of the following types of readers will most likely pay attention to whether you have cited their papers.

答案: competitor

8、 How to bridge the gap of knowledge between you and your readers?

答案: set target readers.;
provide research background.;
proceed from the elementary to the profound.;
pay attention to the logic flow, so that the paper can be more comprehensive.

9、 You write your paper for those scientists who work on the same topic as you do, so there is no need to think about other readers as your audience

答案: 错误

10、 Authors of Scientific Papers do not need to write their results as a story, as all the information is already in the figures

答案: 错误

11、 When you write your academic paper, it is important to write a good story that truthfully reflects your results, as figures and tables can be interpreted in several ways.

答案: 正确

12、 Why?Why?Why? is a method that allows you to find a fitting background statement, starting from a specific problem addressed in your work.

答案: 正确

13、 The statement: ‘By using ion selective microelectrodes we found that the pH gradient in the silk gland is much broader than previously known.’ is a good starting sentence of a paper; as only readers familiar with the topic will read this paper.

答案: 错误

14、 The statement: ‘Global demand for elephant ivory is contributing to illegal poaching and significant decline of African elephant (Loxondonta africana) populations.’ represents a good example of a background sentence, accessible to both experts and non-experts.

答案: 正确

15、 When you write your manuscript, it is not necessary to take your audience into consideration, as you mostly write for yourself.

答案: 错误

16、 Scientific manuscripts are usually written for a very small number of other researchers working in the same field; therefore there is no need to explain any scientific terms.

答案: 错误

17、 It is essential for any academic writing to take into consideration your prospective audience, whether it consists of experts or non-experts.

答案: 正确

18、 Your audience knows much more about your research than you do, therefore you can always assume they intuitively understand what you are trying to state in your academic writing.

答案: 错误

19、 Textbooks, reviews and scientific papers are all written in the same way, namely in a manner that shows the reader how knowledgable the author is.

答案: 错误

Unit 3: Organization (论文结构) Unit 3 Test: Organization

1、 Who will benefit from the subheadings of the paper?

答案: All of the above

2、 以下哪个结构是本单元提倡的摘要结构和呈现顺序?

答案: General Introduction- More detailed Background- Question/Gap in the literature- Method- Results/Solutions- Conclusions/Summary/Assessment of Solutions

3、 请参考本单元讲解的摘要结构的四段论,将下面A-B-C-D(目前的顺序是打乱的顺序)匹配成正确的顺序,组成一篇结构合理的学术摘要:A- Here we show that, by experimentally manipulating the location of the centre of mass in living birds, it is possible to recreate limb posture and kinematics inferred for extinct bipedal dinosaurs. Chickens raised wearing artificial tails, and consequently with more posteriorly located centre of mass, showed a more vertical orientation of the femur during standing and increased femoral displacement during locomotion. Our results support the hypothesis that gradual changes in the location of the centre of mass resulted in more crouched hindlimb postures and a shift from hip-driven to knee-driven limb movements through theropod evolution. B- Such functional differences, which are associated with a gradual, anterior shift of the centre of mass in theropods along the bird line, make the use of extant birds to study non-avian theropod locomotion problematic. C- This study suggests that, through careful experimental manipulations during the growth phase of ontogeny, extant birds can potentially be used to gain important insights into previously unexplored aspects of bipedal non-avian theropod locomotion. D- Birds share many traits with their dinosaur ancestors, making them the best living group to reconstruct certain aspects of non-avian theropod biology. Living birds, however, maintain an unusually crouched hindlimb posture and locomotion powered by knee flexion, in contrast to the inferred primitive condition of non-avian theropods: more upright posture and limb movement powered by femur retraction.

答案: D-B-A-C

4、 你认为下面哪句话,应该出现在摘要的第一句

答案: Innovation, defined as creativity with a purpose, is widely considered to be the engine of scientific progress.

5、 你认为下面哪句话,属于摘要中对研究发现意义的探讨?

答案: Together, the module and survey results confirm the need to include such inquiry-based activities into the higher education classroom, thereby helping students to hone their critical thinking and question asking skill set and to facilitate their professional development in astrobiology.

6、 Subheadings are useful for:

答案: all readers

7、 Introduction often includes

答案: Research background.;
Research question;
Value(theoretical and practical value)

8、 A well-written Literature Review is

答案: logically structured, clearly written and easy to follow;
well organized,containing critical analysis of previous work;
relevant and persuasive

9、 How can subheadings help the authors?

答案: Help authors to have clear writing structure during the writing stage;
Help authors to stay on topic and avoid digression;
Help collaborating authors to discuss the structure of the article;
Help authors to achieve contextual consistency in writing

10、 下面哪些句型,通常被用来引出研究问题?

答案: While XYZ is well documented, it remains unclear whether/why…;
Despite a large body of evidence for XYZ, its detailed mechanisms remain to be elucidated.;
However, it remains to be investigated whether…

11、 一篇完整的摘要需要包涵下面哪些内容?

答案: Why did you do this study? ;
What is the gap in knowledge? ;
What did you find?;
What do your findings mean? 

12、 Subheadings are only useful if required by the journal you are going to submit your paper to.

答案: 错误

13、 A well-structured discussion must start with a complete list of all results described in your paper, so the reader can see how much work you have done.

答案: 错误
分析:A discussion is not a descriptive text, but an evaluative text that critically explains one’s results in the context of previous research, and therefore should not simply repeat your results.

14、 Statements with the following structure can be found in the Results section, containing both Aim statement and Method used to investigate the scientific question or problem: ‘To test whether elephants exhibit self-awareness, we marked three Asian elephants with white crosses on their foreheads, and then exposed them to a large mirror containing a video camera.’.

答案: 正确
分析:Yes, this type of statement is commonly found in the Results section of an academic paper.

15、 The phrase ‘as shown in Fig…’ is commonly found in the Discussion section, where it indicates that a result is being summarized for subsequent comparison to the literature.

答案: 错误
分析:This phrase is normally found in the Results section, not Discussion section. It is used to indicate where graphical information can be found.

16、 Using proper verbs instead of abstract nouns for the subheadings found in the Results section can greatly improve the understanding of the results obtained.

答案: 正确

17、 Before writing your first paper draft, it is useful to create a list of subheadings for each section – it helps to identify any existing logical problems in your manuscript structure.

答案: 正确
分析:Yes, it helps you as the writer to see whether there are logical problems in the structure of your paper, before you start writing the Results section in full.

Unit 4: Logic and Flow (行文逻辑和流畅性) Unit 4 Test: Logic and Flow

1、 Early in September each year, the population of Ann Arbor, Michigan, suddenly increases by about 20,000 as students arrive for the new academic year. This ______ changes the character of the town in a number of ways.

答案: influx 

2、 Nowadays, laptop computers are lighter, more powerful, and easier to use than they were five years ago. These have led to an increase in the sales of these machines.

答案: improvements

3、 Choose the right conjunctions according to the context of this paragraph.The poverty levels were found to be reduced. __ the unemployment levels remained high. _ the illiteracy levels also remained unchanged. ___no changes in income distribution were observed during the time of this study.

答案: However, ; In addition,; Intriguingly,

4、 modify the right verbs into -ed participle, according to the context of this paragraph.The virus strains most likely to cause disease were identified and three were selected for vaccine development. The virus samples of each ______ strain were injected into separate batches of fertilized eggs to amplify the amount of virus.

答案: selected

5、 请选择合适的总结词:We speculate that naked mole-rats have evolved a higher concentration of HA in the skin to provide skin elasticity needed for life in underground tunnels. This __ may have then been co-opted to provide cancer resistance and longevity to this species.

答案: trait

6、 In an integrative analysis of posture, limb kinematics and bone loading patterns, Carrano and Biewener attached artificial tails to chickens, _ the centre of mass caudally, _ to recreate theropod-like limb posture and locomotion.

答案: thus moving; hoping

7、 Birds share many traits with their dinosaur ancestors, __ the best living group to reconstruct certain aspects of non-avian theropod biology.

答案: making birds

8、 According to a recent survey, 26% of all American adults, down from 38% 30 years ago, smoke. This can be partly attributed to the mounting evidence linking smoking to fatal diseases, such as cancer.

答案: reduction;

9、 The conjunctions And, But, Or are linking words commonly used in academic writing, and are best used at the beginning of a sentence.

答案: 错误

10、 And, But, Or are conjunctions rather than linking words, and therefore must not be used at the beginning of a sentence in academic writing.

答案: 正确






11、 And, But, Or are conjunctions that can be used as linking words in informal writing, such as newspaper articles and non-scientific texts.

答案: 正确

12、 When used as conjunctions, And, But, Or are often preceded by a comma.

答案: 正确

13、 The subordinator “While” cannot be used at the beginning of a sentence in academic writing.

答案: 错误
分析:When using ‘While’ in contrasting statements, make sure both facts that are compared are within the same sentence (While this cat is black, this cat is white. NOT: This cat is black. While this cat is white.)

14、 “Meanwhile” is a linking word commonly used in reviews and essays that do not have to adhere to the strict rules of academic writing, instead of “Furthermore”.

答案: 正确

15、 “Meanwhile” is a linking word commonly used in academic writing for greater precision and clarity.

答案: 错误
分析:The term ‘Meanwhile’ is very ambiguous, and originally meant ‘At the same time/Simultaneously’. However, nowadays it is used in informal writing instead of ‘In addition/Furthermore’.

16、 When reducing a restrictive relative clause, “verb+ing”(e.g. “that refers to” changed to “referring to”) shall be used with caution to avoid ambiguity.

答案: 正确

17、 -ing clause are often used in problem-solution texts to improve the flow of cause-and-effect statements.

答案: 正确

18、 Shocking statistics are commonly used at the beginning of original scientific papers to attract the attention of the reader.

答案: 错误

19、 General statements used at the beginning of G-S structures ensure the reader is already lost at the very beginning.

答案: 错误

20、 Problem-Solution structures are mainly found in the Results and Discussion sections of an academic paper.

答案: 正确

21、 When using -ing clauses, it is optional to put ‘thus’ in front of the –ing verb.

答案: 正确

22、 Active voice must not be used in the Results/Discussion sections.

答案: 错误
分析:Active voice should be used in these two sections of a paper, to ensure the reader knows exactly who did what to whom.

23、 Indirect questions are commonly used in the Results sections of academic papers, to explain the purpose of the experiment conducted.

答案: 正确
分析:Pay attention to how the position of a verb changes in an indirect question, compared to its position in a direct question.

24、 The Methods section is written in process structure that uses passive voice, to emphasize the experimental procedures, instead of the agents.

答案: 正确

25、 The Methods section is written exclusively in active voice, to ensure it is clear to the reader who has performed the experiments.

答案: 错误

26、 In the Results section, process descriptions are often written in active voice, to indicate that the described process was performed by the authors, not by other scientists in previously published reports.

答案: 正确

27、 Choose right or wrong according to the usage of “and”.I am preparing the data of group A right now, and the group A contains 475 samples.

答案: 错误

28、 choose right or wrong according to the statement.Repetition of entire sentences is used in academic writing to deepen the readers’ memory.

答案: 错误

29、 请将划线部分改写成-ing clausesBirds share many traits with their dinosaur ancestors, which makes birds the best living group to reconstruct certain aspects of non-avian theropod biology.Birds share many traits with their dinosaur ancestors, the best living group to reconstruct certain aspects of non-avian theropod biology.
答案: making birds

30、 Choose a summary word from the list to complete the sentence. process; situation; finding; estimation; problem; difficulty; disruption; viewThe traditional economic and consumer behaviour models assume a rational, thoughtful consumer who gathers information about a good and then carefully makes a purchase. This __ has recently been challenged, particularly because of the growing number of consumer choices.
答案: view

31、 Choose a summary word from the list to complete the sentence. process; situation; finding; estimation; problem; difficulty; disruption; viewOur pilot study has shown that wind turbines used to generate electricity can pose a threat to flying birds. This __ suggests a need for further research on improving the safety of these mechanisms.
答案: finding

32、 Choose a summary word from the list to complete the sentence. process; situation; finding; estimation; problem; difficulty; disruption; viewIn soccer, goalkeepers routinely wear gloves that may restrict heat loss from the hands and cause discomfort. In order to alleviate this __ , special materials, called phase control materials (PCMs), have been incorporated into gloves to reduce the amount of heat inside the glove, thus maintaining a comfortable temperature.
答案: problem

33、 Choose a summary word from the list to complete the sentence. process; situation; finding; estimation; problem; difficulty; disruption; viewNormal average human skin temperature is 37°C. At any lower environmental temperature, heat will be lost from the skin to the environment as the body attempts to heat up the air in direct contact with the body. This __is known as conduction.
答案: process

34、 Choose a summary word from the list to complete the sentence. process; situation; finding; estimation; problem; difficulty; disruption; viewUntil adjustment of the body clock has occurred, individuals suffering from “jet lag” feel tired during the new daytime, yet are unable to sleep properly during the new night. For athletes in particular this __ of sleep can affect mood and powers of concentration and might result in poorer training performances and competition results (Reilly et al. 1997b).
答案: disruption

35、 Choose a summary word from the list to complete the sentence. process; situation; finding; estimation; problem; difficulty; disruption; viewUntil recently, the support needs of frail older people in Sweden have been met primarily by the state, with there being little expectation that the family would provide care. This __ is now changing as increasing emphasis is being placed on the role of the family.
答案: situation

Unit 5: Verb, Tense and Voice (动词和时态语态) Unit 5 Test: Verb, Tense and Voice

1、 Compare the following statements, and indicate which is the most academic version:

答案: First, we investigated whether a spider protein can be expressed in goat milk.

2、 Which of the following statements contain a lazy verb:

答案: To have a complete view of RNA methylation profiles, we quantified the methylation content in various adult mouse tissues.

3、 Which of the following statements is in line with academic writing conventions:

答案: The National Health Commission categorically said staff should not waste time and energy on filling in forms.

4、 Which of the following statements is in line with academic writing conventions:

答案: A combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine effectively treated COVID-19.

5、 Which of the following statements is in line with academic writing conventions:

答案: The study concluded that when the size changes of whales started, the temperature of both poles decreased, ice expanded and the water circulation in the oceans changed, and winds shifted.

6、 Which of the following statements is in line with academic writing conventions:

答案: However, baleen whales hunt schools of fish or swarms of krill.

7、 Which of the following statements contain a lazy verb:

答案: To have a complete view of RNA methylation profiles, we quantified the methylation content in various adult mouse tissues.;
The cerebellum has more RNAs than the cortex.;
Protein modifications are post-translational marks such as phosphorylation and methylation.;
Neuronal cells have higher methylation rates than astrocytes.

8、 Which of the following statements is not in line with academic writing conventions:

答案: A recent study investigated whether that the combination can help prevent mild symptoms from developing into severe and critical conditions, thus reducing the death rate of the disease.;
A recent study demonstrated whether that the combination can help prevent mild symptoms from developing into severe and critical conditions, thus reducing the death rate of the disease.;
A recent study showed whether that the combination can help prevent mild symptoms from developing into severe and critical conditions, thus reducing the death rate of the disease.

9、 Read the following process description, and analyze its use of tense:The spiders are frozen in liquid nitrogen and then ground into a powder. Next, the genes are extracted and tested in a synthetic goat. A genetic switch is added to turn on these genes only inside the mammary gland. Finally, the altered gene is put into a goat egg. Assess the following statement: This text is written like the Methods section of an academic paper, as it uses present tense and passive voice.

答案: 错误
分析:Process descriptions in Methods sections should be written in past tense/passive voice. They describe human actions undertaken in the past, with focus on the process, rather than the agent.

10、 Read the following sentence, and analyze the position of the adverb:The study used an artificial elephant tusk containing a GPS system (全球定位系统) to track the smuggled ivory and to place the tusk into the black market successfully.Assess the following statement: The position of the adverb ‘successfully’ in the following statement agrees with the conventions of academic writing.

答案: 错误
分析:The adverb should be placed in front of the verb it refers to. In case of a statement using passive voice, the adverb should be placed in mid-verb position.

11、 In this study, we carefully investigated the mechanisms responsible for this phenomenon.Assess the following statement: The adverb ‘carefully’ is unnecessary in this statement, as it is commonly expected that studies are executed in a careful manner.

答案: 正确

12、 First, we investigated that how a spider protein can be expressed in goat milk?Asses the following statement: The phrase ‘that how’ is grammatically correct, and is found commonly in academic statements in the form of indirect questions.

答案: 错误
分析:grammatically incorrect, ‘that how’ cannot be used together

13、 When switching between direct and indirect question, you must pay attention to the change in verb position within the sentence.

答案: 正确

14、 Analyze the following text for verb use:By applying for an internet loan, students give away their personal information. Internet lenders always want to get hold of national ID and student ID card numbers. They also want to get information about their parents, college teachers and/or classmates as contacts.Assess the following statement: The verbs used in this text indicate that this text was not written for an academic article.

答案: 正确
分析:all verbs are informal: give away, get hold of, want to get

15、 Assess the following statement: Literature reviews as found in the Introduction section of an academic article are exclusively written in present tense.

答案: 错误
分析:Introduction sections of academic papers commonly use two tenses, present and past tense.
Present tense is used to describe commonly accepted theories and facts (The moon revolves around Earth), while
past tense is used when describing previous actions of other researchers (Galileo investigated whether/ discovered that…)

16、 Assess the following statement: Method sections of academic papers commonly use past tense.

答案: 正确
分析:Methods sections commonly describe processes that have occurred in the past (before the paper was published), so past tense needs to be used. One exception to this rule are System descriptions, which describe how the individual parts of a machine or an apparatus work; here, the verbs do not describe human actions in the past, but simply state facts, hence the use of present tense.

17、 Assess the following statement: The Results section of academic papers always use present tense.

答案: 错误
分析:The Results section of an academic paper uses both past and present tense. Past tense is used to describe your own actions and results. Present tense is used when stating facts, or when writing concluding remarks about your results (especially, when your results have revealed something you assume to be a fact).

18、 Assess the following statement: Discussion only use past tense.

答案: 错误
分析:Just like the Results section, the Discussion section uses both past and present tense. Past tense is used whenever a verb refers to a past action, or to a previously obtained result that is now considered to be wrong. Present tense is used whenever making statements that the authors believe are facts (at least within their research community).

19、 Assess the following statement: The Introduction section of an academic paper usually uses active voice, unless passive voice is required for grammatical purposes.

答案: 正确
分析:Academic writing in the 21st century is different to what old text books say: it has moved toward use of active voice, which is far more engaging, and importantly, much more precise than passive voice, especially when it it important to know ‘WHO did What to Whom’. As mentioned before, the one exception to this convention are process descriptions found in the Methods section, which should be written in passive voice.

20、 Assess the follwoing statement: The Method section is usually described with passive voice.

答案: 正确

21、 Active voice is commonly used in the Methods section of a scientific manuscript to emphasize agents, rather than process.

答案: 错误

22、 Split infinitives (e.g. to adequately meet) are used in academic writing to prevent ambiguity.

答案: 正确

23、 In academic writing, adverbs such as possibly, actually, carefully, can be placed anywhere in a sentence, without affecting the clarity or precision of the sentence.

答案: 错误

24、 Both active and passive voice are appropriate to use when writing academic papers.

答案: 正确

Unit 6: Academic Writing Style (写作风格) Unit 6 Test: Academic Writing Style

1、 针对下面句子关于style的改写,哪个是正确的?You can use this model to analyze the effects of several parameter changes.

答案: This model is suitable for the analysis of the effects of several parameter changes.

2、 针对下面句子关于style的改写,哪个是正确的?These special tax laws have been enacted in six states: Illinois, Iowa, Ohio, etc.

答案: These special tax laws have been enacted in six states, including Illinois, Iowa and Ohio.;
These special tax laws have been enacted in six states, namely Illinois, Iowa, Ohio, Nebraska, Idaho and Montana.

3、 针对下面句子关于style的改写,哪个是正确的? There isn’t very much research on the use of oil palm shell as coarse aggregate in the production of concrete.

答案: Little research has been conducted on the use of oil palm shell s coarse aggregate in the production of concrete.;
The use of oil palm shell as coarse aggregate for concrete is under-researched.

4、 Recent research showed that under these conditions, protein A forms dimers all the time.The phrase ‘all the time’ should be replaced with which of the following adverbs (to be placed in front of its verb):

答案: frequently

5、 The following statement was made by the leader of a big country: “So horrible to watch the massive fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Perhaps flying water tankers could be used to put it out…”Please help him to use a less informal verb for ‘to put it out’

答案: to extinguish it;
to cease to burn

6、 This receptor family contains ____. Choose the best expression below.

答案: several members, including protein A, B, C

7、 Which expression below is allowed in academic writing?

答案:  This paper argues that children and adults use common strategies and process linguistic data in fundamentally similar ways.;
Here, we argue that OER (Open Educational Resources) play a fundamental role in globally supporting educational development.

8、 针对下面句子关于style的改写,哪个是正确的?OK, what are the reasons that coffee prices have fallen? There’re a lot of possibilities.

答案: A number of reasons may explain as to why the price of coffee has decreased.;
Several reasons are responsible for the falling price of coffee.;
A number of reasons may explain the decrease in the price of coffee.

9、 针对下面句子关于style的改写,哪个是正确的?You can see the difference between these two approaches to designing underground subway stations clearly.

答案: The difference in designing underground subway stations can be clearly seen between these two approaches.;
The design of these two underground subway stations clearly demonstrates the possible degree of variation.

10、 针对下面句子关于style的改写,哪个是正确的?So far there hasn’t been any comprehensive study looking into the role of smiling in getting the initial trust of individuals.

答案: To our knowledge, no studies have been conducted to investigate the role of smiling in obtaining the trust of strangers upon the first encounter.;
Currently, comprehensive studies to investigate the role of smiling to obtain the trust of strangers upon the first encounter are lacking.

11、 针对下面句子关于style的改写,哪个是正确的?There are some studies that have concluded that bamboo could be used by builders more widely than it is now as a construction material.

答案: Recent studies have shown that bamboo is a suitable construction material, suggesting its wider use in the building industry.;
According to a number of recent studies, it is feasible to increase the use of bamboo in the construction industry.

12、 Indirect Questions can be easily recognized because of the question mark (i.e. ‘?’).

答案: 错误

13、 Direct questions are found more commonly in less formal texts of academic writing, such as Review articles.

答案: 正确

14、 Phrases consisting of ‘This+Summary word’ are commonly found in original scientific papers.

答案: 正确
分析:Summary word here refers to a noun that summarizes the information provided in the sentence before. Instead of just repeating the information (increase, decrease), it can be used to evaluate the information (improvement, enhancement, deterioration)

15、 In academic writing, the pronoun ‘it’ should be used with caution, especially, if it is unclear what exactly “it” is referring to.

答案: 正确
分析:Phrases such as ‘It is essential to improve XYZ’ are perfectly fine in academic writing; however, when ‘it’ or ‘they’ are used instead of an agent, then the exact meaning of your statement can be vague and unclear (It significantly increased over time – what does ‘it’ refer to here?)

16、 “While” cannot be used to clarify contrast or distinction between two ideas/concepts/definitions.

答案: 错误
分析:When using ‘while’, make sure both concepts are contrasted within the same sentence (Correct: While this cat is blue, that dog is green. Incorrect: This cat is blue. While that dog is green.)

17、 A previous study showed that the two systems differed a lot.The phrase ‘a lot’ should be avoided in academic writing, and can be replaced by an adverb such as ‘vastly/greatly/significantly’

答案: 正确
分析:Very few academic papers use the informal phrase ‘a lot’, therefore, to stay in line with academic convention, you should not use this phrase either.

18、 ”In this study, we carefully investigated the mechanisms responsible for this phenomenon.”The adverb ‘carefully’ is unnecessary in this statement, as it is commonly expected that studies are done in a careful manner.

答案: 正确
分析:While this is true, in some cases ‘carefully’ describes how a specific procedure was performed, for example: We carefully transferred the animals into a new tube. Here, ‘carefully’ is indeed important, as any other handling of the animals might cause harm to the animals.

19、 Analyze the following text for verb use: “By applying for an internet loan, students give away their personal information. Internet lenders always want to get hold of national ID and student ID card numbers. They also want to get information about their parents, college teachers and/or classmates as contacts.”The verbs used in this text indicate that this text was not written for an academic article.

答案: 正确
分析:All verbs are informal: give away, get hold of, want to get

Unit 7: Land of Common Mistakes(中国学者的常见错误) Unit 7 Test: Land of Common Mistakes

1、 Analyze the following statement, and then choose one of the options that you think is best to use in academic writing: The determination of the presence of tumors has seen the standard screening procedures incorporation of high-energy techniques.

答案: To better determine if tumors are present, high-energy techniques are now being incorporated into standard screening procedures.

2、 Analyze the following statement, and then choose one of the options that you think is best to use in academic writing:Currently, there is no capacity for higher nanoparticle removal method efficiency.

答案: Currently, methods to more efficiently remove nanoparticles are lacking. 

3、 Analyze the following statement, and then choose one of the options that you think is best to use in academic writing:There is a great demand for high-sugar content highland banana production facility verification procedures.

答案: Procedures that verify facilities used for producing highland bananas with high sugar content are urgently required.

4、 Analyze the following statement, and then choose one of the options that you think is best to use in academic writing:Adoption of this method is therefore of critical importance.

答案: It is critical to adopt this method. 

5、 Analyze the following statement, and then choose one of the options that you think is best to use in academic writing:Detailed assessment of the transfer verification process is crucial.

答案: Assessing the process involved in transfer verification in more detail is critical.

6、 Analyze the following statement, and then choose one of the options that you think is best to use in academic writing:The brain has been shown to be characterized by surprising plasticity.

答案: The brain has been shown to be surprisingly plastic.

7、 Analyze the following statement, and then choose one of the options that you think is best to use in academic writing:Earlier reports suggested the importance of sulfur for the success of this treatment.

答案: Earlier reports suggested that sulfur is important for successful treatment. 

8、 Analyze the following statement, and then choose one of the options that you think is best to use in academic writing:The coastal urban areas development orientation has been investigated in five coastal cities.

答案: We investigated the developmental orientation of urban communities in five coastal cities. 

9、 Analyze the following statement, and then choose one of the options that you think is best to use in academic writing:Additional studies will be required for more detailed mechanisms comprehension.

答案: To better understand this mechanism in more detail, additional studies are required. 

10、 Analyze the following statement, and then choose one of the options that you think is best to use in academic writing:However, global mask production improvement is faced with limitation challenges.

答案: However, increasing the global production of masks currently remains a challenge.

11、 Analyze the following statement, and then choose one of the options that you think is best to use in academic writing:These results suggest a possibility that CTD could change its position relative to NHL domain under certain conditions.

答案: These results suggest that under specific conditions, CTD changes its position relative to NHL domain

12、 Analyze the following statement, and then choose one of the options that you think is best to use in academic writing:We hypothesized that there is a chance that at these high transmission rates, national health systems are unlikely to cope with the influx of patients.

答案: We hypothesized that at these high transmission rates, national health systems will fail to cope with the influx of patients.

13、 Analyze the following statement, and then choose one of the options that you think is best to use in academic writing:To test whether these two species may possibly coexist in the same biotope, we tried to apply our newly developed method.

答案: To test whether these two species coexist in the same biotope, we applied our newly developed method.

14、 Analyze the following statement, and then choose one of the options that you think is best to use in academic writing:It might be worth noting that this interaction could also be explained by the lack of an inhibitory signal.

答案: This interaction might occur because of an absent inhibitory signal. 

15、 Analyze the following statement, and then choose one of the options that you think is best to use in academic writing:Would it be possible to argue on the basis of our results that this process depends not only on factor X, but also on factor Y? We can only guess that is is possible.

答案: On the basis of our results, we hypothesize that this process depends on both factors X and Y. 

16、 Analyze the following statement, and then choose one of the options that you think is best to use in academic writing:Here we clearly show that our novel method could improve the sensitivity of the standard assay.

答案: Here we clearly show that our novel method improves the sensitivity of the standard assay. 

17、 Analyze the following statement, and then choose one of the options that you think is best to use in academic writing:There has been anecdotal evidence that hydroxychloroquine could help treat COVID-19 patients.

答案: Little evidence exists that hydroxychloroquine assists in treating COVID-19 patients.

18、 Analyze the following statement, and then choose one of the options that you think is best to use in academic writing:The Malaria drug has been repeatedly promoted as a possible treatment, despite some medical experts’ caution about its alleged efficacy and side effects.

答案: The Malaria drug has been repeatedly promoted as a treatment, even though a considerable number of medical professionals have questioned its efficacy.

19、 Analyze the following statement, and then choose one of the options that you think is best to use in academic writing:There are some signs that the drug works on the coronavirus, some very strong signs.

答案: According to a small number of recent reports, this drug might assist in reducing the symptoms caused by the virus.

20、 Analyze the following statement, and then choose one of the options that you think is best to use in academic writing:“As I’ve said many times … the data are really just at best suggestive. There have been some cases that show there may be an effect, and there are others to show there’s no effect, so I think, in terms of science, I don’t think we can definitely say it works.”

答案: Most credible evidence presently available suggests that this drug fails to assist patients suffering from coronavirus infection

21、 Identify which following sentence contains weak and hedging expressions:

答案: Yet often it cannot have been the case that a recalcitrant trustee remained in possession of the property entrusted to him.

22、 Identify which following sentence contains weak and hedging expressions:

答案: Cases have been reported where this would seem to have been the only possible method of transmission.

23、 Identify which following sentence contains weak and hedging expressions:

答案: Nowadays the urinary symptoms seem to be of a lesser order.

24、 Identify which two sentences listed below contain weak and hedging expressions:

答案: It may be necessary for the spider to leave the branch on which it is standing, climb up the stem, and walk out along another branch. ;
There is experimental work to show that a week or ten days may not be long enough and a fortnight to three weeks is probably the best theoretical period.

25、 Choose all the weak and hedging expressions in the following paragraph: There are many explanations for why musicians have superior cognitive abilities to non-musician controls. First, it is possible that only the more intellectually rigorous people continue with music training once they have been exposed to it. Practicing a musical instrument takes a tremendous amount of discipline. Individuals who are willing to work that hard may also work hard in academic settings, thus improving their cognitive abilities. Secondly, socio-economic class could be playing a role. In a study comparing scholastic aptitude among musicians and non-musicians, Phillips found a difference in the two groups, but once socio-economic class was taken into account the difference nearly disappeared (Phillips, 1976). It is possible that the differences between musicians and non-musicians is actually innate or caused by something not musically related in the environment.

答案: many;
it is possible that ;
may ;
could be

26、 There is no mistake related to abstract nouns or noun strings in this sentence:Crystal yields depended on how suitable growth conditions were for the proteins used.

答案: 正确

27、 There is no mistake related to abstract nouns or noun strings in this sentence:The determination of the presence of cancer cells has seen the standard screening procedures incorporation of high-resolution techniques.

答案: 错误

28、 There is no mistake related to abstract nouns or noun strings in this sentence:There is a great demand for high-sugar content pineapple production facility verification procedures.

答案: 错误

29、 There is no mistake related to abstract nouns or noun strings in this sentence:To address this uncertainty, an online medical doctors professional development program was developed.

答案: 错误

30、 There is no mistake related to abstract nouns or noun strings in this sentence:The main challenge for national health systems is the fact that detailed understanding of how the virus is transmitted is lacking.

答案: 正确

31、 There is no mistake related to abstract nouns or noun strings in this sentence:Previous reports suggested the importance of Fe ions for the success of this treatment.

答案: 错误

Unit 8: Writer’s diet (学术写作的瘦身与健身) Unit 8 Test: Writer’s Diet

1、 请判断哪个句子的动词运用是合适的:

答案: These birds use tools for solving many different tasks, both in the laboratory as well as in their natural environment.

2、 你认为下面哪个句子的介词运用是合适的?

答案: TCM continued to play an important role in containing major epidemics following the foundation of the People’s Republic of China, such as the 1956 encephalitis B epidemic, the 2003 SARS outbreak, and the 2009 H7N9 bird flu crisis. 

3、 你认为下面哪个句子的介词运用是合适的?

答案: During the 2003 SARS outbreak, the Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine admitted 74 SARS patients, three of which were treated using hormone therapy, without exhibiting negative side effects post recovery.

4、 下面哪些句子存在很多abstract nouns的问题,并且需要作出修改?

答案: Our team optimized and formed a new anti-coronavirus TCM prescription, immediately providing the TCM prescription with certain clinical experience and objective evidence support for the prevention and treatment of new emergent infectious diseases in our hospital.;
This research has innovated the method mode in clinical practice and basic research integration of traditional Chinese medicine for the prevention and control of new emerging infectious diseases.;
It is of great significance to further improve the rapid response mechanism of TCM in face of major epidemics, and further improve the capability level of TCM to prevent and treat new emerging infectious diseases.

5、 根据writer’s diet的反馈,我必须要把论文修改到lean的程度才可以。

答案: 错误

6、 每一条writer’s diet的反馈都是必须修改的,因为它指出的都是我的错误。

答案: 错误

7、 并不是每一条writer’s diet的反馈都是必须修改的,因为它指出的仅仅是可能存在问题的地方,我需要视情况而定是否修改以及如何修改。

答案: 正确

8、 请判断这个句子中的动词,是否需要修改:String-pulling is an extensively used approach in animal cognition research to evaluate the understanding of spatial and causal relationships. 正确(动词正确,不需要修改)错误(动词错误,需要修改)

答案: 正确

9、 请判断这个句子中的副词和形容词,是否需要修改:We find that from 1925 to 2016, global average marine heatwave frequency and duration increased by 34% and 17%, respectively, resulting in a 54% increase in annual marine heatwave days globally. 正确(副词、形容词正确,不需要修改) 错误(副词、形容词有赘述,需要修改)

答案: 错误

10、 请判断下面句子中的that是否需要删除:Our estimates indicate that, up to 23,600 metric tons of DOC are globally leaching from marine plastics every year. 正确(that运用正确,不需要删除)错误(that存在赘述,需要删除)

答案: 正确



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